Not receiving ads or rewards

hi all

ive been using brave as my primary browser for well over a year , more lije 2 years . i have turned the ads on for rewards but have received neither ads or rewards . why ?

Can you try to verify your rewards profile and check if it says you’re flagged?

It seems that since you’re getting no ads, you’re flagged.

sorry what would that mean . do i need to change my browser

no. could you try verifying and tell me if any error occurs and what error it is if any

i dont what you are talking about . Verify what with where

Verify with Uphold / Gemini

I can’t verifying my uphold account…

sorry i got no idea what you trying to say

i wasn’t able to make a wallet so i dont think so i don’t think i even have a profile or are youtalking the regular brave login profile

does this help you at all ( Attatch)


I’m talking about the rewards profile. Could you go to

Please read all info related to rewards on the above page

Could you please share a screenshot of the full page. ?

hi . find attached 3 screenshots p1 p2 p3 which covers the fullpage . i clicked on your link , are you sure that is the right link because that means nothing to me

Do you have maximum ads set to 10 per hour?
Do you have New Tab Page sponsored images turned on?
Is brave news on?

no i tried to see why i wasnt getting , and atbthat point I set it set it to 3 ads an hour . Not sure precisely what I requested , are these ads 1 minute long or 20 minutes , got know idea , guess i will find out if i do infact ever get one . i was unable to get a wallet is that maybe the reason its not working

thanks aaditya , your advice and guidance was perfect thank you very much , the fact that you contacted me on whatsapp was really going above and beyond what i was expecting . The fact that you are very knowledgeable was truly fantasic and that reallyis what made the difference . If you ask me brave should be contacting you to offer you a job , they would be lucky to have you . Thanks you vry much for that

I’m glad that I could help you. Thanks for your kind words, much appreciated. Im flattered! :slight_smile:

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