Not getting rewards for sponsored images

I am getting sponsored images from the launch of new version but there is no change in my BAT token.

Where can I see the rewards earned from sponsored images ?

Am I the only person facing this issue or is this happening for everyone ?

Are you guys getting rewards for sponsored images ?

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I’ve had a few of those, but not change in tokens for seeing them, but I’m not seeing ads since the 9th so that be part of my problems. Seems there is a lot broken with this browser.

Me too don’t have rewards from sponsored images. I have seen other posts in forum regarding this problem but not any answer from the staff. Probably these rewards are not available yet. Or at least are partially available and not in all the countries in which brave give rewards.

Users who opt into Brave Rewards will see earnings from Sponsored Images included in their ad statements at the end of each month. Earnings from Sponsored Images are not included in Brave Rewards daily estimated ad earnings yet

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Thanks @creator22

But as I wrote in my above post sponsored images cannot be seen in every country but only:

From the Announcement:

“The BlockFi campaign will be seen by Brave users in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.”

Edit: Strange. I don’t live in the above countries but can see the BlockFi logo. Maybe it will not be paid.

I am from India and receiving sponsored images from Block Fi campaign. Don’t know whether we will get paid or not. @creator22 @sampson can you confirm ?

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