Not able to connect uphold. "Error: Región no admitida" error message

Not able to connect uphold. “Error: Región no admitida” error message
It was working the last year but this week I’ve had this error message. I’ve tried to discconect uphold and reconnect it again but it didn’t work.
Very weird. What should I do?

Depends what country you’re from. For the most part though, you wait until Brave adds your region again.

Well, last year it was supported. Brave limited support for most countries back in June. If you search “Brave Unsupported Region” you’ll get TONS of results from Google. Same thing if you used the search function here on Brave Community and you type in “Unsupported Region” you’d see it. I haven’t yet typed in Región no admitida but it should yield a decent amount of posts and responses as well.

And I have a Topic that links to everything else and provides updates as we learn more:

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