It turns out that they did not pay me the bat that corresponded to me for the entire month of December 2021. I use the browser on 2 PC’s and my cell phone. In none of my users have I been paid. I have verified Uphold and did not receive anything, however I cannot see a history of what was generated in December either. I hope they can solve it for me soon! Thanks
Same i didn’t got the reward either. I have a verified uphold account and on the top it says that payout completed for uphold account. My friend got the payment but i didn’t.
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Same for me, seems that the most recent update on my desktop made the december payment of 7 or so BAT disappear whereas my laptop which runs Linux and has not auto updated has had the payment processed. Might just be a bit of a delay in payment though.

Same happend to me
I received my BRAVE rewards from my PC but my androids, I didnt receive it.
I have verified Uphold account. Pakistan
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