I Have not received December 7th ads rewards payout

Briefly describe your issue:

I haven’t recieved last month (November) accumulated ads reward payouts, I didn’t change any settings, and I checked everything multiple times to figure out whats wrong but as far as I can tell every Setting is correct.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using ( Menu --> About Brave )?

  • Operating System : Windows 10 pro

  • Brave version : Version 1.32.115 Chromium: 96.0.4664.93 (Official Build) (64-bit)

** Is your browser wallet currently verified?

  • yes

What date did you verify your wallet?

  • approximately 11/24/2021

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?

  • Yes

**Are you using a VPN?

  • No

**Are you in a supported region

  • Yes

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??

  • Yes

me neither. I couldn’t claim may rewards around december 7th and lost a few BAT collected during november.

starting december i started earning more BAT but with the last update of Brave, on december 14th, i’ve not seen one single ad

Same thing here. This is exactly what they were not supposed to do: abuse the trust of the users. They show you ads, but then they don´t pay you or they load you with pop up ads. As 2021 is ending and in this year I have lost more than earned in this browser, I think I’m moving on.


Exactly the same for me.
I received 0.25 bat to uphold the 10 dec 2021. but not I have not received all of the tokens. While it was specified sending in two times

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Any news? I received the same 0.25 BAT, even I had almost 10.

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