No Change in DOWNLOADED number or INSTALLED number in Brave creators referral stats even after 4 days of successful referral

Description of the issue : I had Referred a person to Brave on July 14th and he had successfully installed the brave Browser from my referral link. He is also using it as default browser since then. But my Brave creators page Referral stats ( Download number and Installed number) remain unchanged even after 4 days of successful referral.

Steps to Reproduce : Click on personal Brave referral link

Actual Result: :

Screenshot (35)|690x340

No change in Brave creators referral stats ( Download number and Installed number) even after 4 days of successful referral.

Expected result: : Show the correct Brave referral stats with new referral download and installed data included

Reproduces how often: : ! My two referrals this month was Ok. This is the 3rd one and the first to not be credited into the brave referral stats. There was no problem till last month

Operating System and Brave Version: Windows 8.1 pro ; Brave Version 1.11.97 Chromium: 84.0.4147.89 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information: I Made sure that the referred person installed Brave via my Link and from Google Play store itself. I was there when he started using the browser and when he made it his default one.


Dude just read the post carefully before answering. This is the second time someone has answered the same ignorant thing. My old post got taken down thanks to that person. I know that it takes 30 days for the referral reward to be confirmed.

I was not taking about that. My referral counter which increases when a person downloads or Installs the browser using my referral link has not increased after the latest successful referral. You do see that don’t you. You can simply check the screen shot. Man what the… Just look there i have marked the portion on the screenshot graph section clearly.


Don’t burn yourself dude. Near the portion that you highlighted, I have given in Bold letters for people like you like this : But my Brave creators page Referral stats ( Download number and Installed number ) remain unchanged even after 4 days of successful referral.


I’m also seeing issues with my reporting, I too was with my latest referral, the download tracked but the install didn’t. He’s still using the browser daily. It’s been over a week. I would love to advertise this offer, but with spotty reporting it would be a waste of money.

Yes man. Even if we DM the mods, there is no feedback or if we are lucky they would ask us to send them some info. That’s it. Then from that point on, there would be no more communication. Even if we wait considering that maybe the mods have their hands full or something, even after months we wont be getting any reply. One referral may not be a big deal, but it hurts the value we place upon this product. :expressionless: . Guess that’s it for that referral i guess. :sweat_smile:

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