No bat received yet in uphold wallet steeven

Of course I get nothing from them
Because they don’t believe that there are people who use brave 10 hours a day

it s normal they dont pay you they don t believe i think

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but you have a proof and scrennshot why they dont pay you

))) they do not respond to the DM
And now they say it’s at fault

i don t understand fault of what ?

Once again – there is no way to receive 50 ads per day. There is a daily cap and if you’re somehow surpassing it or finding a workaround, you are committing fraud and you will get caught.

Yes 5 x 7 = 35 but you’re still incorrect. That the setting is not ads per hour the setting is maximum ads per hour. Meaning that you may see a max of 1-5 ads every hour. Not you will see 5 ads every hour. So the first hour, you may see 5 ads, the next, you may see 2, the next 4 hours in a row, you may see zero.

yes me i received 15 ads on my compture but more on my phone because i use it more approximatly 24 ads a day but it was a fraud if someone receive more it s not our fault if we receive ads we need ta disable it? for no receive ads or explain me I didn t understand mattches

@Mattches or the lonely solution are to use less brave browser to not receive ads are there maybe a real limit per day or per month?

Can you show me your Rewards Settings page where it shows how many ads you’ve seen per day? Simply open your 7-day Ads History page and scroll down to a day where you’ve seen more than 20+ ads and take a short recording/screenshot(s) as proof?

ok look @Mattches this is ads i received tell if there is a problem please to know

no count ebay ads 2 times and pime student because this is the bottom of the page so in total 14 ads today and day not finished

and in my phone approximatly 25 ads per day i can show you if you want

:))) and he will pay you there @libanais75
Please show him

I also have the same pictures
And now is cheating?
Is this Brave’s fault for not paying the user or is the user cheating?

@Mattches look i send you today 14 ads but day not finished and my phone i have 25 ads per day sometimes 20 or 23

And if I show you one day I get 50 ads and there is no cheating.
Will you pay everyone?

No – if you are all telling the truth, then there is a serious bug or issue that needs to be resolved in the browser. You cannot receive more than the daily cap of ads. If you are, its a bug or fraud. So far, nobody has shown me any actual evidence that they’re able to receive more ads than the cap.

i send you dm @Mattches

and me is it normal or what because i want to know what to do in that case @Mattches

If nobody can produce actual proof/evidence that they are receiving more than the daily cap of ads per day, I’m going to close this thread so that it doesn’t confuse or mislead other users into thinking that there is a way to do this.

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Hello @Mattches

i just wanted to confirm i get 20 up to 25 and rarly 26 per day i can offer any help if you need

and i saw someone post said he got 29 ads per day before but i do not remember the link to the post

have a nice day

I will not provide anything in terms of daily ads count
Because you will not pay anyway (probably because you are not the one to decide)
By the way, wish the unpaid people get Bats