No BAT for ads on app & not paying for all ads on desktop

Briefly describe your issue:
Hello. For the last three or so months, I have noticed it has not been adding BAT for most of the ads. For example this month it says I have over 200 ads received this month, but BAT is only 1.6. And last month the amount sent to my wallet was only 0.3 BAT even though it said I had over 150 ads received. I 've noticed this for several months now where the ad revenue went down extremely. I also noticed that even though I am getting ads on my mobile device, it hasn’t added ANY BAT to my Brave mobile app for several months. Again, even though I receive ads on mobile device daily. Please let me know how to fix these issues. Thank you.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
Using Windows 10, Brave browser 1.34.81

Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)

What date did you verify your wallet?

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)

Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?
Yes. USA.

Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?
Yes. Passed. (for app issue)

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??

@Wyckhurst Ok, going to tackle the desktop first since this is the Windows one.

In terms of your desktop getting just 200 ads and 1.6 BAT, that’s not too bad. It always fluctuates depending on region and a few other little factors. We aren’t always guaranteed to get ads but they do get as much as possible. You’re saying this month you’re getting about 0.008 BAT per ad based on 200 ads totaling 1.6 BAT. That’s good. If you want to see how many ads are in your are and what they are paying, you can go to

As to your 150 ads for 0.3 BAT, it’s possible you had some back luck on targeted ads, as they do have some paying lower. I just was looking and I saw they had a few in my region paying only 0.001 BAT for the ad. If you take and multiply that by the 150 ads you’re saying you had, that would be only 0.15. So mix it in with some of the 0.005, 0.01, etc ones and it might translate to what you got. Though it still is far below the normal average, so not sure

That said, have you looked and verified you haven’t set up any auto contributions or anything? Just wondering if perhaps you had passed on some earnings to creators by chance?

All of that said, if you do think something went wrong for sure, then try to DM @SaltyBanana with the following:

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals )
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version )

That will let them try to look into it and see if there’s any issues.

And as to the mobile device, you’re saying it’s an Android? If you do have it on Android and are seeing ads but not getting BAT, I’m wondering if you cloned your wallet or something? Wallet on your Android should be different than Brave, as it’s one per device. I’m guessing that or something similar that happened where you’ve been flagged.

If it was a matter of you not seeing ad notifications and no BAT as a result, there’s other troubleshooting and questions to ask. But if you’re actually seeing them and getting no BAT, that definitely will have to be looked at. Just like in prior post, you’ll need to DM SaltyBanana or one of the other moderators like steeven so they can help look and find out what might be going on.

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