No Ads on Brave

i’m from France and i can’t see any ads on brave.
could you explain me what to do to resolve this ?


Mobile or pc? Please

on Pc thx for the quick answer

Brave://rewards and enable ads then visit

Rewards already On and do u want a screenshot of what i’m seeing on this ?

Yes please. Thank you

Do you have ads turned on and what is your device notification settings for brave like on or off

adsON notifON

Click the settings icon in the ads tab and change it to 5 ads per hour and wait a while.

already on 5 per h and still not working

@gsarvadnya can help if it doesn’t show in the next 24hrs

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thx for ur time :slight_smile: hope I’ll have more luck with @gsarvadnya

@Artlike looks like catalog is full and you have set 5 ads per hour in ads settings even then you are not able to view ads. Can you please check focus assist settings, if it is set to Alarm only you won’t receive ads notification in the browser instead notification gets accumulated in the notification center.

Also, please visit the sites which fall under the ads category and check whether you are able to see ads or not. For e.g if ads category is Technology & Computing then you can visit or some other website which fall under this category.


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