No ads and rewards :-(


I use Brave since March 2020. Now since 2 weeks I don’t receive ads and rewards. With no reason.

I use MacOS Catalina, version 10.15.7 on a macbook pro 2020
Versie 1.16.68 Chromium: 86.0.4240.111 (Officiële build) (x86_64)

My settings show 5 ads/hour.

Can someone help me please?


i also have this kind of bug…but in my case i am using Windows

Version 1.16.68 Chromium: 86.0.4240.111 (Official Build)


@Dieterdh Even I was facing the same Issue, I updated to
Version 1.16.72 Chromium: 86.0.4240.183 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Now I am getting ads (But very less than I used to).

Hope this helps


actually now i also have that version but i cant sill see any ads…

today is day that brave will add the money that i earned into my uphold account but still ( after 6hours browsing the web) i didn’t get any ads…

After updating I did get ads, but after 2 ads it stopped :frowning:.

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Same here 9 months now!!! whats the deal???

Just wait for new updates :grin:

Now i literally dont get any ads… dont know why too

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