New brave browser UI of menu bar is downgrade to previous one. Requesting to revert to previous one as some options are hidden or unavailable like profiles plus the size is smaller for normal eyes

New brave browser UI of menu bar is downgrade to previous one. Requesting to revert to previous one as some options are hidden or unavailable like profiles plus the size is smaller for normal eyes.

If new UI is designed then profiles can be shifted to URL bar empty regions.

I use guest and multiple profiles mostly but with new UI of menu bar, it is gone and not easily accessible. So, the point of upgrade is now a downgrade.

The new menu bar UI is garbage. Today chrome and edge has better UI and bigger.


Since you use multiple profiles, you do not need to go into the menu for those. You should be able to click on the profile icon next to the main menu to select the desired profile (note that you can also open the Guest profile from here as well):


Additionally, for the guest profile, I would recommend going to Settings --> System --> Shortcuts and setting up a keyboards shortcut that will open the Guest Profile window for you — effectively making it even faster than opening both the old and new main menu:


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Unfortunately, this circle of main user profile like for chrome and edge browser, this is missing in all brave browsers newer updates. You should also see the screenshots attached of the first open screen after installing brave.

They’re not missing, but you do have to create at least one additional profile before that option appears. If you only have one profile then the browser will look as you’ve shown in your screenshot. Here is one of my Brave builds that only has one profile, for example:


Once I create a new profile in that same browser, it appears:

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In chrome and edge, it is default set, in circle irrespective of I create more than default profile. In brave, it should be static and one should have free hand to decide of profiles and private and guest modes.

The only thing that changed is the spacing between items, not the the font size or anything… so… why are you even saying ‘size smaller for small size’ if it shouldn’t affect anything for the eyes?
Unless you used touch, then spacing between items shouldn’t matter, I use touch, I have a laptop with touchscreen and it doesn’t feel terrible to use… not fat fingers though. That would be the only valid reason, the others you mention are just weird reasoning.

Also the difference in spacing is 2px… barely noticeable for the first elements (New tab, New private tab etc), the difference is mostly between the divider to the first word after it, which is only 3px. again… it shouldn’t change much, even if you think it is the biggest deal for the eyes and you want a full screen menu because ‘normal eyes’.

Also, they re-organized items, they are not un-organize them back only because of you. I am sure, they spent time on it and probably used telemetry to know which items were used more or less by users, maybe use it and get used to it instead of complaining about it?

It even has icons now = easier to know where you click.

But well… If you don’t like it, well, you can use Chrome or Edge, since they have ‘better design’.

If you feel a power user that supposedly switched 30 million times a day profiles, then you can start by using ctrl+shift+m or click the ORB, but it is obvious it is not true you use multiple profiles since your screenshots don’t even have the ORB, so where are the profiles? why are you lying about using multiple profiles?
There is also Commander (ctrl+space) or customize shortcut of profiles manager if it/they don’t fit your needs.

And no, the orb in Edge and Chrome have NOTING to do with profiles or guest profile in Browser, they have to do with their respective accounts, when you log in to a Google or Microsoft account = not the same as Brave, since Brave has no account and therefore it would be 99.9% waste of space.
If you think two menus with the same elements would be a good thing only because other Browsers have it… well, you don’t know about UX/UI.

Also, Guest Profile is one of the most useless features in Chromium, because it is not meant for normal users who use that computer everyday, it is meant for Guests… for users of a profile, InPrivate mode makes more sense to use if you don’t want information to be ‘recorded’ by the Browser, because you have access to the extensions and all.

But then I believe you are just throwing random reasons why it has to be reverted… but then, nothing really will change anything.

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Apologies but I do not understand what exactly it is you’re saying.

There is no profile icon there by default because there is no reason to have one if you only have one profile. If you only have one profile, everything you need to manage that profile is contained within the Main Menu/Settings. The only reason to include that icon is if you want to make changes to, or switch to, other profiles.

If you’re using multiple profiles anyway as you said you were, it should appear there for you anyway so I’m not sure why the behavior of the “default”/state after first installation is relevant to you.

Further, again, with the old main menu, if you wanted to add a new profile or open a guest profile, the steps would be:

  1. Click main menu
  2. Select Add new profile or Open Guest profile

The steps to perform the same actions if you’re using multiple profiles that I’m suggesting are:

  1. Click profile icon
  2. Select Add or Guest

Same amount of clicks/steps in both cases. The only time there will ever be an extra step for the user in this case is the very first time they create a a new profile and that is only one extra step.


If it was about spacing then I would have not posted this here.

Profiles are hidden, guest mode is hidden.

Cant see options with naked eyes. I have already increased the size yet (which is causing site fonting issues) still unnoticeable.

See chrome and edge latest versions and their 3 dot menu bar.

While we appreciate your feedback, we are not going to revert our entire menu design. Especially since what you’re saying:

Simply isn’t true. Yes, for a first-time user there is one additional step for them to find these options (going to More tools in the main menu). After that, creating a new profile removes that extra step and everything can be found “with your naked eyes”.

Additionally, as @anon57438784 said, there is a keyboard shortcut that you can use even when you only have one profile to open the profile manager (Ctrl + shift + m), which displays the options to add a new profile or open a guest profile.

I apologize if you don’t like the changes, that’s a valid opinion to have. However, saying that these features are “hidden” or “harder to use” I think is a stretch.

Please resort to using any of the many suggestions that are mentioned in this thread to work around your grievance.

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A lot of people like me criticize and lament chrome and google choices in same but brave is also in same direction.

I dont know who asked for this new UI and who loves it?

Maybe a community poll of top users would have been great.

Anyways, this is unhelpful and again more steps in process which is not habitual for me.

If I could pick up, great, which I know I wont, rest, I will keep less work on brave since brave is also google without google but with google.

If my eyes were great, I would have ignored this but I have low vision acuity problems so anything smaller than expected, puts strain on my eyes. And whatever puts strain, goes away. Sooner or later.

1 star for this new menu bar and whosoever thought this would be awesome without considering users before going ahead with this.

Even android menu bar is complicated not divided properly. Options that are clearly used most should be there and rest in bottom bar options like edge browser android, but then.

Even arrows options of back and forward on bottom bar on android brave is missing and in 3 dot menu, again anti-UX. See vivaldi browser android, they have option to customize like edge android but then, brave.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

(I love the new design)

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Even Firefox, or waterfox, librewolf or floorp browser has better menu bar with clarity of options and user profile icon, and guest mode in third option. Big and readable.

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Not sure what else we can do for you other than pass your feedback to the developers. If there is nothing else I’m going to go ahead and close this thread.

feedback is when things are good and you are generally providing some info to improve it but this is downgrade and criticism. I have said same to Brendan, hoping to get things straightened up rather going with this random garbage update.

About closing the thread, you can do it by all means. Let me know if should stop posting anything on brave forums.

See, this overall UI and menu bar is visible, clean and has clarity in reading without putting pressure and time.

And is lesser known but old browser that is still updated as per chromium.

In newer updates of edge, the user profile icon is shifted towards left side on the tab bar and on the right side of 3 dot menu bar, the new tab, new window and private window exists. Big and clear as compared to brave recent updates. Plus this is a another profile where I havent logged into my account or created any new profile as this is edge dev.

Going to close this thread as it is going nowhere and it does not appear that there is anything anyone can say to satisfy you. I’ve also moved the thread from the Browser support category to Feedback, as it is not a support request.

As you use different software that performs the same or similar tasks, you’ll find that the UI/UX and design decisions are not the same across the board.

I understand that you really want your browser to match your exact specifications, and that is fine. But the reality is that no matter what software you’re using, there are going to be tradeoffs for each one. If having superior privacy/security (among other advantages) in Brave vs having a button be one less click for you in another browser is a tradeoff you’re willing to make, then that is your decision.

Thank you.

So, should I use your browser or not because currently the new menu UI and size is unusable for me?

UPDATE - Got 2 updates but still it is the new botched up UI where main options are hidden somewhere and everything is smaller.

I understand that you really want your browser to match your exact specifications, and that is fine. But the reality is that no matter what software you’re using, there are going to be tradeoffs for each one. If having superior privacy/security (among other advantages) in Brave vs having a button be one less click for you in another browser is a tradeoff you’re willing to make, then that is your decision.

Thank you.