Brave User Interface (UI) improvements


I’ve been using Brave a lot lately and I enjoy but as a personal opinion, I think the User Interface (UI) is a little bit condensed.

1 - The Tab size is kinda small
2 - The Tab font size is kinda small
3 - The Address Bar is on the smaller side
4 - There is not space between the Tab and the Window itself

It’s only personal opinion but I think for older people especially, this should be improved.

As a personal thing, I kinda enjoy Edge interface. It has big tabs sizes, the font is is bigger and easy to read etc.

Brave UI:

Edge UI:

Is there any plan to update the UI in the near future?

Thanks !


The following flags settings are useful for controlling the tab size, size of address bar and width of screen width. Open brave://flags/ and enable the flags:

  • tab scrolling
  • Touch UI layout
  • Overlay scrollbars

As for the font size you can controlling it by going to Windows Settings, Accessibility.

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Thanks I have tried the settings but to be honest these seem like workarounds. Why I say that?

The UI doesn’t look that OK, after enabling Touch UI layout. TABS / Address Bar is way too bigger now.

Looks a little bit rough.