Need the following information

@matthewatlant0s ,

Brave Browser

UPDATING INFO - Wednesday, June 22, 2022

NOTICE: The following official “Brave Release Notes” link, does NOT have up-to-date information. For example, the latest release information regarding Brave Browser for iOS, has not been updated to v1.39 ( (June, 2022) from v1.34.1 (Tuesday, January 25, 2022):

Brave Browser for Desktop – Information

The following link has good – Brave Browser for Desktop computers – CHANGELOG information:

There, to see the list of stable releases (‘Assets’) for Linux / Mac / Windows computers, click on the [large font size] version number.

Another good source – Brave Browser for Desktop computers – information:

There, click on the version number of interest.

Brave Browser Release Schedule at GitHub:

Brave Browser Android – Information

The following link has good – Brave Browser for Android – CHANGELOG information:

To see the list of stable releases (‘Assets’) for Android devices, click on the [large font size] version number, and in the new window, look for installation packages with the APK suffix (‘Pick the APK file suitable for your device’s architecture’).

Brave Browser iOS – Information

Milestones - Source that tends to be the most up-to-date for iOS progress info:

There, click on the version number of interest. Check both Open and Closed version numbers. And after clicking on a version number, also check both Open and Closed Issues.

The following link has good – Brave Browser for iOS – CHANGELOG information, but is not up-to-date:

Browser iOS releases at GitHub - currently (Wednesday, June 22, 2022) still out-of-date:

. . . though some of the more recent release notes, show at the Apple App Store, along with the latest version of Brave Browser iOS:

NOTE: The following link will probably not work for an Internet browser aboard an Apple iOS device, because: Apple, again ignoring maintenance procedures, such as using a Mac for maintaining Windows OS machines, or using an iPad for maintaining other devices by means of a web browser but not via the App Store app.

There, look for What’s New or Version History

Brave Browse for iOS - Tags:


At that web page, you could click on the “Changelog for _____” , in order to get to the log, or visit:

There, look for the text: “Reference: Google Chrome” followed immediately by the version numbers – in the following example, you would Click on “98.0.4758.102”

Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 7.04.58 PM

That will take you to another web page. Scroll down that page.

Also, if you wish, look for log in bold, and for community help forum in bold . . . and click on them.

UPDATING my reply, here - 20220622

Re ‘Pick the APK file suitable for your device’s architecture’

Brave Browser for Android - at GitHub:

Latest version:

Bravearm.apk . . . . . . . . 32-bit ARM
BraveMonoarm.apk . . . . 32-bit ARM
BraveMonoarm64.apk . . 64-bit ARM
BraveMonox64.apk . . . . 64-bit Intel x86_64
BraveMonox86.apk . . . . 32-bit Intel x86
Bravex86.apk . . . . . . . . 32-bit Intel x86

Good table for ref. at:


64-bit CPU architecture:

arm64 . . . (ARM)
x86_64 . . (Intel)

64-bit instruction set:

aarch64 . . . (ARM)
AArch64 . . . (ARM)
arm64 . . . . (ARM)
arm64-v8a . (ARM)

32-bit CPU architecture:

ARM . . (ARM)
x86 . . . (Intel)

32-bit instruction set:

armeabi . . . . (ARM)
armeabi-v7a . (ARM)
ARMv7 . . . . . (ARM)

Check Android device architecture:

Earlier Brave Browser development used Muon framework in order to ‘leverage’ Chromium (GitHub):

Current Brave Browser - Chromium Rebasing project (GitHub):

Core engine (brave/brave-core repository) for the Brave browser for Android, Linux OS, Mac OS, Windows OS:

‘Brave Core is a set of changes, APIs, and scripts used for customizing Chromium to make the Brave browser.’

Brave Components at GitHub:

Brave Browser (brave/brave-browser repository) at GitHub:


‘This repository holds the build tools needed to build the Brave desktop browser for macOS, Windows, and Linux.’

Brave for iOS (brave/brave-ios repository) at GitHub:

‘All development (issues, PRs, etc) takes place there.’

Brave Core for iOS developers:

‘The iOS version of Brave can be found in the brave-ios repository. The iOS code does use brave-core for a few things:’

  • Brave Rewards
  • Brave Ads
  • Sync

Brave History, Papers, and Plans

The Road to Brave 1.0

Brave AMA (Ask Me Anything) Series

Brave Blog (and latest news)

Brave, Fingerprinting, and Privacy Budgets

Brave Release Schedule - (Chromium Release Schedule)

Brave Research Papers

Comparing the Network Behavior of Popular Browsers on First-Run

Ephemeral Third-party Site Storage

Fingerprinting Protections

First-Party Sets: Tearing Down Privacy Defenses Just as They’re Being Built

Improving Privacy By Improving Web Compatibility

New Features

Privacy Updates

Web Standards at Brave

Example: Privacy And Competition Concerns with Google’s Privacy Sandbox (Jan. 26, 2022)

About that: “Google resumes shoveling stuff into its ‘Privacy Sandbox’ (Mar. 29, 2022; The Register)

Brave Browser - GitHub - Deviations from Chromium (features we disable or remove)

Chromium itself, is a web browser. From a description at

Chromium is a blend of different important open-source projects: