My statistics and settings were somehow set back to 0/reset

My statistics and settings were somehow set back to 0/reset
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. I restarted my computer for an unrelated reason, and I opened brave and all of my statistics collected for over a year and my settings were reset

The expected result what have been when I opened brave, nothing should have changed

Version 1.19.92 Chromium: 88.0.4324.152 (Official Build) (64-bit)

No additional information

Can anyone please help?

Do you have more than one browser profile? Can you open the browser and confirm that you’ve opened it to the same browser profile you’ve been using?

How do I check and see my profiles?

Do you see an icon like this next to the menu button in the browser?

No, I do not see that icon. I can see some of my extensions but that’s it.

Last question – what other browser data seems to be missing? Are you missing your saved passwords as well?

Yes I lost my passwords as well

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Do you think you might know what the problem is?

Replying so my post isn’t archived

I am once again keeping this thread alive.

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