My estimated BAT rewards delete every month before payday

Hey guys, the last two months the estimated brave rewards that I was able to collect were much smaller than what I got.

This month I started taking screenshots.

It’s still August, it’s the 31st, yesterday the rewards I was supposed to get was 3.183, earlier today it was more. But now when I go look it moved the never back down to 0.75 and then less than a minute later it was 0.1.

I legit lost over 280BAT within the past year due to your trusting website… After I deleted brave browser, and only recently downloaded it again a couple months ago to give it another shot. And I still see the same shht happening.

I don’t expect to get my 280+ back, as I never took a screenshots of it, even though I have switched at very least 30 people to full time brave browser users.

I just want the rewards that were stolen from me this month. I won’t even ask for the other two months that was stolen.

This is getting fickun rediculous.

Please help, please tell me why this is happening to me, on my computer, primary cell phone, my secondary cell phone, and also my girlfriend’s mobile brave browser did the same thing.

Thanks, a concerned user.


same thing just happened to me

i blame scammers at uphold

It is happening due to the difference in time.

Wait for a couple of days, it shall be fixed

Okay, I thought the same thing, but my # of ads for August didn’t disappear or go down with the BAT, its just the tokens that disappeared.? I

thought the same thing last month too, if I wait a few days it might fix itself, but it did not,

Figured I’d ask this time

Wait till tomorrow to see if it still persists and let me know

Hey Brave staff, don’t just close these threads coz you just put one reply. In other threads with the same topic, you close them saying that it’s fixed coz everyone sees that banner “BAT arriving in 5 days”. Well I do see it but with half BAT of what I used to have before you wiped it out. So why don’t you stop laughing at our faces?

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