My Brave Rewards profile has been flagged, any way to make the process faster?

I have to re verify my brave rewards account with uphold but I can’t as I get an error stating:

Error: Brave Rewards

profile is flagged

Unfortunately, your Brave Rewards profile has been flagged, and you’re not able to verify with a custodian at this time. This flag can sometimes be due to irregular Brave Ads activity, though it can also be a false positive.

Note that while your Brave Rewards profile is flagged, you won’t be able to verify.

It’s now been several weeks and still I can’t verify

What Operating System and Brave version are you using?
Android 11 and windows 10 on my laptop
Brave version is 1.45.133

Is your browser wallet currently verified?
No, it was in the past through Uphold

What date did you verify your wallet? Almost 2 years ago

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past? Yes

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no) on the laptop yes, not always on my android phone

Are you eligible for Brave Rewards? Yes

Are you on the list of supported regions when verifying Brave Rewards with a custodial partner? Yes, I live in Ontario Canada

Does your device pass the safety net? Yes

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to a custodial partner? Yes

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