My Brave Payment is Gone

Brave version: Version 0.56.15 Chromium: 70.0.3538.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Mac : Version 10.14.2 MacOS Mojave

2 months ago I asked this question Brave stops working when I enable VPN and based on the answer I was able to update my Brave version.

Up on checking my payments today, it showed me that I have 0 Brave balance and I had to set up from scratch.

You can see that I’ve been Brave user for a while based on the ads blocked for e.g

  • 17,230

Trackers Blocked

  • 143,102

Ads Blocked

  • 1,175

HTTPS Upgrades

  • 2.2hours

Estimated Time Saved

How do I get my brave payments back ? Thanks!

If you’re using the new Brave build, you’re likely referring to Brave Rewards, rather than Brave Payments - “Payments” is the platform used on our Muon (old) Brave release. New builds use Brave Rewards.

So are you missing your Brave Rewards information? Or are you missing your Brave Payments information? Or, are you trying to import your Payments data into Brave Rewards?

I am referring to the Brave payment(the amount of BAT) I had before the new update which shows 0 BATs now.

And you updated to the most recent Brave version (v0.59.34)?

I am on Version 0.56.15 Chromium: but still 0 BAT, will updating it to the latest version bring the BAT I lost prior to the current update ? I am not sure if that is going to work unless I am missing something.

I updated it to the latest version and still 0 BATs.

It’s not that I owned a lot of BATs that concerns me but how would I even refer Brave for others to use it and adopt such a system I believed in that is making me lose $ every time I update it to the latest version.

Anyhow I probably lost 300 BATs. Not a biggy.

I apologize but I think I’m a bit confused about the situation. To confirm:
You’re saying that you were upgraded from Brave Muon (would have been v0.25.0 or v0.26.0), which had the “old” Brave look, to the new Chromium based build of Brave - which you’re currently using - at version 0.56.15. Is that correct?

Sorry for the late reply.

@Mattches That is correct. And when I started using the new Brave, I see 0 BAT. So I am trying to figure where my BAT is from the older version. Now I have only 40 BAT on the new system.

Read this article and let me know if anything is unclear:

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