My BAT disapear ... How ?!

Hi everyone !

Last month, i have an error issue with my BAt (I can’t transfert to my Uphold account). I upgrade my browser with the last update and, surprise, my BAT disapear ! How it’s possible ?
Now i can transfer (March’s rewards are in my Uphold’s wallet) but where’s the others ?

08/03/2021 Capture d’écran 2021-03-08 161727

4/04/2021 /Capture d’écran 2021-04-04 034506

And no, i haven’t transfert anything ! Proof :

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same thing happened to me. I sent Steven a message and he has not responded

Any answer ? I’m in the dark …

Hi, there are instructions on what you should do now, if you still have some issue with BAT payouts. Please return to Support’s post, read the checklist, and follow the instructions about DMing Support.


Creators (PayPal payments are still processing):

You also need to remember there are others being assisted, so please try to be patient - this process won’t be immediate results. If some time has passed and you want to check on your progress with steeven, use the same DM, don’t send multiple DMs because it slows help for everyone. Good luck :crossed_fingers:

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