Mobile app crashed

Description of the issue:

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Try to send links to other devices
  2. Browser closes.

Expected result:

  1. In Android, browser should send a link to other devices.

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.36.80

Mobile Device details Samsung Galaxy M31

Additional Information:

1 Like

Same for me, but I’m on a Pixel 5 running of course Android 12


In order for Brave support to dig into the issue that you state, you need to be very specific.

Brave support would typically want to know every step that you are taking, before your “Mobile app” crashed.

You do need to spell it out:

What is the “Mobile app?”

How - specifically - are you trying to send links to other devices?

What - specifically - are each of the steps that you take in order to try and send links to other devices?

What - specifically - are the other devices?

What Settings of the Brave [for Android] version 1.36.80 have you tested – ON / OFF ie ENABLED / DISABLED – in order to fix the problem yourself?

Why you need to do all that work?

Because Brave support is fielding a lot of issues, and the more that you do in advance, and during your waiting for answers (and letting Brave support know your attempts and results, here) . . . then Brave support can more quickly attend to your concern(s), and work with you (and consult with others, including perhaps, establishing some report issue at Github).

Possible help – found a few links via Startpage Search Engine:

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