Missing ability to enable Overscroll History Navigation

There’s no “Overscroll History Navigation” or “TouchpadOverscrollHistoryNavigation” flag in brave://flags.

Currently only way to enable touchpad two-finger swipe left/right page navigation gesture is to edit the usr/share/applications/brave-browser.desktop and append --enable-features=TouchpadOverscrollHistoryNavigation to the Exec commands (that’s the only thing worked for me so far).
This quickly becomes extremely frustrating thing since every time you update brave, it goes back to the defaults (deleting the added enable-features flag).

Why not just add a brave://flag to enable it?

BRAVE: 1.68.141 Chromium: 127.0.6533.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)
OS: Fedora 40, Gnome 46 (Wayland)
ACTIVE FLAGS: #ozone-platform-hint = “Wayland”

Bumping up, it’s been almost three weeks and not even a boilerplate-y answer!

@rvfet I’ll try to offer some feedback, but just a heads-up, I’m not employed by Brave—just an active user helping out. So keep that in mind.

The reason you likely haven’t received a response is that your post isn’t seeking direct assistance and instead is labeled as feedback and feature-request. These types of posts don’t always demand a reply.

As for the “Overscroll History Navigation” or “TouchpadOverscrollHistoryNavigation” flag, I believe this is the same in Chrome. From what I’ve seen (e.g., https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/nqpt0u/how_to_enable_chrome_history_overscroll/), this feature has to be enabled via a command line flag. Since it’s likely a Chromium issue, any changes would likely need to come from upstream, not Brave. This is especially the case as Brave still is operating with a small team and tends to prioritize larger issues, whereas I believe what you’re suggesting is more niche.

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