Missing 450 BAT from my publisher account, now balance showing 0 BAT

I had 450+ BAT. Now balance showing only 0 BAT. I don’t receive April payment. Please check my account.
It’s my publisher email:


yeah I think it happened to a lot of people, including my account. Have DMéd @steeven to clarify as this is in addition now to this subject, which is also outstanding Issue with Contributed BAT payment not processing

@steeven any clarification please on both matters? As I can see a lot of new threads are being opened

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@steeven please check it

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Hi all, please see the latest update April 2021 Creators Payout - #2.

Payments to certain Uphold wallets are still processing.

tengo el mismo caso desaparecieron todos mis BAT de mi cuenta

it now says completed @steeven and only received 9 BAT…

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