MacOS passwords not saving following AD account reset

Description of the issue:
A few weeks ago I had an issue logging in to my Mac following an AD password reset.
TechSupport fixed this, but in the process deleted my Keychain (or did something to it, at least). So I lost all my saved passwords in Brave.

So be it. I guess these things happen.

However, since then, Brave isn’t saving any passwords.

Within KeyChain Access I do see a “Brave Safe Storage”. But within Brave’s Password Manager there are no saved passwords. If I add a password (either saving a password when prompted, or manually adding one) and then quit Brave, those passwords are gone once I restart the browser.

I’ve checked through some threads here. I can confirm that in the “Delete browsing data” / “On exit” tab, nothing is checked.

I have brave installed through Homebrew – I did a brew reinstall brave-browser, and that didn’t help.

TBH I suspect the issue is not with Brave but on the Mac side. I think Chrome has the same issue, but is masked because Chrome is sync’ing to my Google account – I don’t have any Sync turned on for Brave.

How can this issue be reproduced?
I really don’t know how to go about reproducing this.

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave): Version 1.68.134 Chromium: 127.0.6533.88 (Official Build) (x86_64)

MacOS Version: Sonoma 14.5 (23F79)

Additional Information:
I tried deleting “Brave Safe Storage” and having Brave recreate it, but that didn’t help. It was recreated, but passwords are still not stored.

I did a test with Chrome – I turned off Sync and then quit and restarted.
All my passwords were still there.

I then manually added a entry and quit and restart Chrome again. And that password was still present. (this same test doesn’t work in Brave)

So it does look like this is just a Brave issue. :cry:

brew uninstall brave-browser followed by brew cleanup -s followed by brew install brave-browser.

Still an issue.

Next test:
find . -maxdepth 3 -iname "*Brave*" 2>/dev/null -type d
shows a number of folders which, when I look at them with ls -l, have the wrong (old) group. User is still correct.

I changed the ownership:
find . -maxdepth 3 -iname "*Brave*" 2>/dev/null -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} sudo chown myuser:myCorrectGroup -R "{}"

Didn’t help.

find . -maxdepth 3 -iname "*Brave*" 2>/dev/null -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} rm -rf "{}"

Doing this worked… (but I forgot to backup my bookmarks… d’oh)

So what file or files in one of the following folders was causing the issue? Any ideas?

./Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware
./Library/Saved Application State/com.brave.Browser.savedState

@thetomahawk while you had other things going on, it may just be related to the ongoing issue being worked on. Please check Aggregate Topic: Lost Passwords in July 2024 update

Interesting. Unfortunately now I have no way of checking this.

Thanks for your reply anyway. Feel free to close down this thread.

Could try to launch from terminal as I list in the workaround and see if things work for you. If so, at least would narrow down whether it’s really that issue or something else happening.

Beyond that, did want to try to have @Mattches swing by yet in case he has any other idea based on the information shared.

Well having deleted everything and effectively starting from a fresh install, the issue is no longer present.

If it happens again I’ll try running from the command line with the command line option. :+1:t2:

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