Mac inline predictive text

On macOS, can Brave implement inline predictive text? Or is it restricted to 1st party apps?

you are in the wrong tag it is more like question

change the tag to “Browser Support”.

The type of predictive text you’re referring to is implemented by the system, app or website itself. For example, if you go to gmail and begin to type an email, the predictive text will kick in (assuming it’s not disabled on the site) the same way it would in any browser, because it is implemented on gmail.

Further, I’m not entirely sure where this type of predictive text would be used in browser. Do you have an example use case where this could be implemented?

I know Gmail has implemented it, but most don’t. However on Safari, you still have that feature on nearly every site like Reddit etc, which is not the case on Brave

Also I deeply wish spellcheck with suggestions like in most mac apps