Lost funds from the wallet

Hello there, due to some issues i re installed brave and with seed phrases i restored my account, previously with custom rpc i added BSC network - now after restoring that wallet now i cant find my bsc network and the funds in it.

Hi. Me too. Reinstalled as phone died and rewards gone.

Dude, he is facing a completely different issue than yours, I have checked your ticket and I have replied to it, don’t spam in other tickets.

And @mrb3a57 I am not very experienced in this topic so I will tag a few MODs here to help you out. @Mattches @GreenBananaPorridge


Hey @mrb3a57 !

Unfortunately, as of now the wallet restore / backup functionality does not work as intended and has corrupted users wallets in the past.

Although, I am confused as to what you mean by this :

What is BSC network?

Also, please fill out the template before posting a thread; as this greatly helps Support understand your issue and allows for faster troubleshooting.

What is your Brave version? (Go to brave://settings/help)
What is your OS? What is your device?

Please provide any additional information you think is relevant ( screenshots included if you can )

Thank you!


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