Lost all Brave Rewards after reinstallation

Hi all, as the title/subject states, it appears that I lost all my Brave Rewards when I reinstalled Brave.

I unstalled Brave in mid September and just reinstalled today. I also checked up Upload account and it appears to be gone there as well.

Any ideas/advice? Thanks for your anticipated assistance!

Hi @1337Gamer - thanks for writing in. You can restore your wallet following these steps - https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020673191-How-do-I-back-up-or-Restore-my-Wallet-in-Brave-.

Hi @steeven, thanks for your quick reply! I forgot to mention that I did actually sync all devices and had the proper code to do so…unfortunately my wallet wasn’t actually restored properly.

If you use Brave Sync, sadly it’ll only sync your bookmarks across devices, for now.

In order to restore your wallet, you need your wallet recovery keys. If you don’t have the recovery keys, I’m afraid that you not able to restore your wallet.

Alright fair enough @eljuno, then it’s my fault for not backing it up. I should have paid attention as I didn’t know we have to.

Oh well! Thanks for letting me know!

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