Lost access to account, used throwaway email I don't remember, is there any way for me to cancel a Brave VPN subscription without this information or am I doomed?

Please provide us with the following information. Note that most users will be redirected to our Premium support form for assistance with VPN issues, as providing support may involve sharing sensitive information that should not be made public.

Type of device (Desktop, iPhone/iPad, Android phone, etc.):
Desktop, Windows 11

Brave version:
v1.74.50 (currently)

Detailed description of the behavior:
A few months ago (around summer) I have obtained the Brave VPN free trial, but was unable to cancel it due to losing access to that email (which I now even forgot). Ever since then I have been getting charged monthly or so, the ammounts and days the charge goes through sometimes different as well.
I only have the confirmations of payment, is this enough to let me cancel this subscription?

As was in the template and I’m quoting, this is what you need to do. Submit a ticket.

And as I’m sure you’re aware, if you’re going to provide actual payment details or access, it’s not good to use some “throwaway” address. Throwaway accounts should be tied with throwaway payment methods like prepaid cards or something.