Log out when closingBrave

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When I close Brave I want to automatically log off the sessions that are open. So that anyone who would open Brave in my absence can not enter any account

Brave Version
Versie 1.16.72 Chromium: 86.0.4240.183 (Officiële build) (64-bits)

Additional Information:

You can try this https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048833872-How-Do-I-Clear-Cookies-And-Site-Data-In-Brave-#5

Hello @JaapB

you have 2 option

  1. use private mode
  2. so set brave to delete cache and history on exit go to brave://settings/clearBrowserData then on exit then click everything you want to get deleted after you close brave

also disable this Continue running background apps when Brave is closed
in brave://settings/system

hope that help and have a nice day

I tried option 2 from justsomeone, which is the same as eljuno suggests. Gmail still opens after closing Brave.

could you tell me which thing you choose there ?

and also did you let brave to save your password

go to brave://settings/passwords remove all password there and disable both option there

If you want to log out from your session, you need to choose “Cookies” option from :point_down: @JaapB

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Thanks. It where the cookies. I thought password would do.