Lastpass Extension failing to launch starting 2 days ago (Solved)

I’ll just swap to BitWarden. I’m not ditching brave because lastPass devs pushed a faulty update and don’t care enough to fix it. That hardly makes their product look good.

People here are posting more browsers that are affected, such as Nightly. It’s LastPass just pushed a faulty update

I just swapped to Bitwarden. Exporting and importing the data is seamless and took, literally 2 minutes. The extension works great. And it seems less intrusive. The UI also looks nice.

To export your data from lastPass:

  1. Log in to your LastPass account. …
  2. Click on “Advanced Options” on the sidebar, then choose “Export” …
  3. Enter your master password and download a new CSV file to your computer. …
  4. Sign in / log in to your Bitwarden account. …
  5. Select “Tools” on the top menu, then click on “Import Data”
  6. Upload your file and you’re set
  7. Install the browser extension

I’m one of those people reporting. Love Brave, but right now Brave is the ONLY browser affected by this and it’s variations. I suspect there is something in the V2 vs V3 Manifest implementation of Brave isn’t quiet right.

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This issue has already been marked as completed — you can expect this fix to move through the different channels quickly.

Thank you all for reporting.

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Thanks Mattches! Appreciate the quick response on this.

I can confirm the same; using Windows 10 latest update. Lastpass does not work.

Same issue using Windows. The extension doesn’t open, but it does it in Edge and Chrome as usual.

Same problem here with LastPass extension in the last couple of days. Moving to Chrome.

Can confirm same LastPass extension problem.
Also, the slow YouTube startup mentioned above.
Thanks Mattches! Looking forward to the fix.

Another confirmation that this is still occurring with latest version of Brave and Lastpass.

Confirmed not working. Running on Brave for MacOS version 1.67.134 with LastPass extension version 4.132.0.

It’s already been confirmed, an issue was open on Github, and Brave worked on a fix.

And just so you know, I just updated Nightly and when tested, it works:

So if you have Nightly, you can test and will see it working. If you’re on Beta or Release, then it’ll be coming in a future release, but perhaps 2-3 weeks away if left alone. Though they may uplift to get it sooner, they just want to make sure everything works fine and it doesn’t hurt anything else.

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As of 7/22/24 at 5:12pm this is not working for me on Mac with latest LP version 4.132. Same issue - little white box. I’m using Brave on 2019 Mac Pro. What do I do?

I recommend reading through the previous responses in the thread. For instance, my reply just above yours provides the answer on this getting resolved. Which at this time is using Nightly version or waiting for the fix to land in normal version on the browser

My apologies, I didn’t follow the colors but now I understand. I’ve never used Nightly. Can I use it and still have all my tabs and other settings? I don’t want to start over with a fresh browser instance. I will check it out but likely will have to wait it out until it gets fixed in the production version.

Same issue here, reinstalled last pass thinking that was the issue. No luck. I’m on windows 11. Going to wait a few weeks and hope for a fix. Not sure if I’ll leave last pass or try a different browser as anything other than Brave is unusable.

@NAPman (or anyone curious) — installing Nightly would be a fresh install of Brave (although it would not overwrite any data from your current install. It would basically be a separate browser). It was simply being brought up because fixes and features hit Nightly first to be tested.

So for users who are desperate to use Brave + LastPass, the only option for right now would be to use Nightly. Other than that, you’ll have to wait for the fix (that is currently in Nightly) to land in the stable/release version of Brave shortly.

Same thing is happening to me. I uninstalled and reinstalled the LastPass extension, and when I click on the icon to log in, all I get is a white box. This did not happen with Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. I’m up to date on Brave and LP. Using Windows 11, also up to date.

This is very frustrating. I have tried every suggestion I could find so far (except for downloading and using Nightly) and nothing has worked.

There are no more suggestions to try. As stated previously, this issue is known and the team has already pushed a fix. It is currently live in Nightly (at the time of writing this) and will likely make it to to stable/release build very shortly, as I stated in my previous reply.

Going to go ahead and close this thread now since the fix has already been pushed.