Kaspersky Extension does not work, web page translate also does not work

Hi, I have Kaspersky internet security 2019 and the extension does not work on Brave, but work on Chrome…

The web page translation of the site does not work - when I click the right mouse button on my website and I was choose “Translate to czech language”.

Is it possible to fix it? Thx and sorry foe my english.

Have a nice day

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Can you elaborate a bit on Kaspersky Protection extension? What exactly is not working with it? Also cc @MediaBird and @SNAFU_MIG who may have some insight on this.

Page translation is currently in development and we hope to have this function rolled out as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience as we work hard to ensure that all Brave features perform efficiently and as intended.


thank you for your answer.

OK, so - button from Kaspersky extension is grey (picture 1) and and after clinking it is empty, not working (2) and does not show in the search page, whether the site is trusted or not (3). Versus images of the same in google chrome (pictures 4,5,6) .


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Hello jikra, Mattches,
Kaspersky only supports browsers & extensions/addons for the following browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, and 11.0
The Internet Explorer 8.0 – 11.0 browser with the new Windows user interface is not supported.
All versions of Microsoft Edge.
Mozilla Firefox versions 52.x – 59.x or later
Mozilla Firefox ESR 52.x
Google Chrome versions 48.x – 64.x

Reference: https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2019/en-US/43520.htm

In those browsers, the [Kaspersky Security Network[KSN] shields (when working) will be the following colours: [green safe][yellow warning][red dangerous][grey unknown]

The following image shows Firefox addons ->Extension Kaspersky Protection

The following image is a generic Google search, Firefox browser, Kaspersky shields representing imbedded links, all [green] (outlined red to assist focus)

What’s very interesting Jikra is, (in the Brave browser image)you’ve posted is a Kaspersky extension.
Can you let us know please what version of Brave you have installed & the site you downloaded/installed Brave from please?
what type of device/operating system you’re using please?


Hi, I haven’t used Brave lately, but the expansion worked in the beginning when Chromium switched. My guess is/was that Kaspersky noticed this and for possible “security reasons” this extension intentionally doesn’t work in Brave anymore.

Hi, thank you, I understand …
I was downloaded Brave from this site: https://www.brave.com/download
and my Brave is: Version 0.59.35 Chromium: 72.0.3626.81 (Official build) (64-bit)

I understand, thank you

Thanks for the info @jikra (and everyone).
Unfortunately I’m still unsure what the issue is. I was also unable to install and run Kaspersky Protection on my end. In addition, we’re also in the midst of getting Brave white-listed on main Kaspersky AV software as Brave keeps getting flagged by it. These are not likely connected but may be worth mentioning.
I’ll come back when I have more information for you or have logged an issue for this.

Quick update:
I’d installed Kaspersky Protection to test and left it installed. After browsing around I noticed that the extension symbol had changed a bit:

Clicking the icon reveals the message:
After reloading, the icon returns to normal “blank” state and the original message is displayed when clicked:

Just wanted to point out that the extension is active and doing “stuff” but is likely getting blocked by Brave somewhere. Brave also masquerades as Chrome by way of UA string, so I don’t think this is necessarily the cause of the error.

More info as I find it, appreciate your patience.

Hey Maatches & Jikra, please let me know where you are sourcing/installing [Kaspersky Protection extension]?

Can you post url/screen prints please?

CWS, @jikra linked to it initially:

Hi Maatches,
Using [Google Chrome] browser accessing Kaspersky extensions from [Google Chrome Webstore][chrome.google.com/webstore] does have [Kaspersky Protection extension], however, using [BRAVE] browser accessing [chrome.google.com/webstore] only has [Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal Plugin] which is for Kaspersky business users and is not the [Kaspersky Protection extension].

I’d like to test further, please let me know what browser you were using to source Kaspersky Protection extension? Thanks.

Both browsers return the same results. I’m actually now curious why I can’t find the extension in the web store myself.

Hey Maatches, thanks for replying.

  1. Unsure what you mean by [both browsers return the same results]
    Google Chrome should show a {Kaspersky Protection extension] ref 1st image (fyi: at present I have the extension disabled)
    Q. Do you have this extension in your Google Chrome Browser?
    If “Yes” can you please 1. Screen print & post. 2. Select “details” -> screen print & post.

Re [curious why I can’t find the extension in the web store myself] do you mean, from the [Brave browser] you cannot find the [Kaspersky Protection extension]?
imo, if, as per Kaspersky doco, url posted earlier, they only support browsers/extensions for: IE, Edge, Chrome & Firefox, then NOT finding the Kaspersky Protection in the Chrome Webstore does not surprise me.

What is curious is WHEN you installed your Brave browser was the [Kaspersky Protection extension] already an “inbuilt” feature of [Brave browser, v0.59.35 Chromium: 72.0.3626.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)]? or did you manually install/switch on the [Kaspersky Protection extension] :thinking:

From [Brave][Kaspersky Protection extension] can you go to [details][select] screen print & post please?

Note, for testing I just re-installed Brave browser - no [Kaspersky protection extension/plugin] … :thinking:

How you guys got [Kaspersky protection extension/plugin] in [Brave browser] is what has me intrigued… :thinking:

Please let us know. Cheers.

Launch Brave and visit this link:

Install as you would on Chrome. Extension installs without issue but does not function as intended.

OMG Maatches,
Thank you!!
That means Kaspersky doco [ https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2019/en-US/43520.htm ] is incorrect.
A little over a month ago, when I raised (with Kaspersky) Brave {Kaspersky protection extension] they advised:
From: Kaspersky Lab Support [email protected]
Sent: Monday, 31 December 2018 10:28
Subject: Kaspersky Lab Technical Assistance - ID INC000009994790
…it’s unlikely Brave browser will be supported as it has quite low market share.

To that “advice” specifically, I advised Kaspersky:
It’s unprofessional to make remarks such as [not likely Brave browser will be supported as it has quite low market share].
It shows a lack of knowledge of the market and products.
Google chrome, MS IE & Edge are being dumped in droves, Kaspersky needs to meet market needs.
Read all the complaints on Kaspersky’s own Forums to see how unhappy Customers are with Kaspersky “head in the sand” approach.

I was a tad annoyed :wink:

So obviously (Kaspersky) has “moved forward” with distribution of [Kaspersky Protection extension], just not their doco, no real surprise, they don’t prioritise documentation.

Ok, Maatches, when you installed [Kaspersky Protection extension] did you get the [ALERT]? see following screen print:

:thinking: Alert indicates [Brave] has some work to do to verify the extension. :thinking: No?

I will now test Brave with [Kaspersky Protection extension] installed & post back results.

Thanks again,

Ok here’s the 1st difference:
Chrome, [Kaspersky Protection extension][v 20.0.543.401]
Firefox [Kaspersky Protection extension][v 20.0.543.428d-20181114115800]
Brave, [Kaspersky Protection extension][v]

Question (to whomever can answer :thinking: ) why is Brave, [Kaspersky Protection extension][v], sourced from [GoogleWebStore][https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kaspersky-protection/mchjnmdbdlkdbfliogedbnpnanfjnolk/related?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog] not the same/similar version as [Chrome]&[Firefox][Kaspersky Protection] extensions?

I have an open Kaspersky Incident which I’ll now revert back to Kaspersky for answers: difference in version #'s & [KPext][Shield] grey.

If you Maatches/Brave Support/Brave Community have any further info thoughts/answers please add.

Hey Mattches,

the [Kaspersky Protection extension] link you provided:
[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kaspersky-protection/mchjnmdbdlkdbfliogedbnpnanfjnolk?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog] is for a version that was published March 1, 2018.

The Google Web Store[Kaspersky Protection extension] was updated
November 7, 2018

Comments/thoughts welcome…

the extension installed itself, because I use KIS. Yes, a notification window has been added to add extensions. While I uninstall and reinstall the extension from Chrome store (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kaspersky-protection/amkpcclbbgegoafihnpgomddadjhcadd),
it behaves the same way…


Yeah, both of these failed for me as well. I’ll have to dig around for more information on this. Appreciate your patience.