Is there a way to close the download bar with keyboard shortcut or maybe XX seconds/min after completion?

The download bar remains open after completion of downloads and it takes up 10% of the screen!!!

It happens during normal downloading

Happens on Linux and windows OS’s

Is there a way to close this with a keyboard shortcut or a way to have the bar automatically close? If it isn’t, I suggest these two things be added as that would be a very nice addition!

i think that would be via extentions

check this one

and there many other extension do the same

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

THANK YOU!!! I swear that wasn’t there when I looked for addons. Maybe I was looking in Firefox or something, but the odd thing is that it has all the features I suggested an extension needed (or added to Brave). Thanks again!!

you very welcome @HarrySakk and sometime happen to me also :slight_smile:

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