Is it possible to change wallet from Uphold to another Wallet? How?

I’ve been looking around trying to see if I can change my uphold wallet to another wallet like a Solana wallet without success.

Anybody knows how to do this?

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@malem Solana is not an on-demand thing.

To be clear, you must be on a fresh Rewards profile that isn’t linked to anything. So if you’re on Uphold or something, you need to Reset your Rewards at brave://rewards and then leave it disconnected.

Then you apply at to join the waitlist. There is no guarantee for timeframe. You may be lucky and get invite within days or might get stuck waiting for months.

Make sure you have Discord setup as they ask for your Discord info and will use it to contact you if they have questions or concerns.

It may also be helpful to join the BAT Brigade Discord which is where a lot of helpful information is available. Not to mention they have a lot of community events, including airdrops and special competitions for chances to earn various prizes. While it’s not maintained directly by Brave, they do have some Brave staff there. This also is where some of the BAT Ambassadors chosen by Brave will hang out and talk. Invite for this would be

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