Incomplete Brave Creator Rewards or is it still processing?

Good Day,

Got some BATS on channels like on my Twitch, GitHub, Twitter, Reddit and YouTube but only on Youtube got uploaded on my UpHold account.

Creator Screen 3

Or it is still Brave Ads Payout processing?

Ok! Case closed, processing just got delayed…

Thanks for the BATs :metal:

Can you please remember this and maybe not make a thread next time when it’s barely been a week and you didn’t get your payment? Just saying, you’ve already done this twice now looking at your profile, have some patience mate.

Am I that annoying? LOL

Nono, nothing personal at all, but man, it gets really irritating for many people when people post constantly about payment delays, etc. when the answer is right there. I get it, people want their money, or a bit more of an “update”, and it is a forum for you to freely ask but it clutters the forum especially when the issue was resolved not even a day after you made the thread. If I could just say one thing, it’d be to be courteous of the amount of threads you make, to be considerate regarding the delays, which albeit can a bit annoying sometimes, and just read the updates the brave team posts imo.
Don’t take it the wrong way. :slight_smile:

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I know and sorry, just a bit excited… :grin:

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