What kind of magic is this??
can anybody explain this??
Why was i only paid half??
Hi @L0rdGRiM - can you provide specifics around your question?
First i was only paid few rewards of the ads and still the payout is processing since end of July. The Faq of Brave clearly said that I will receive my payment at 8th of every month and it’s already 10th of August. Now I’m wondering and suspicious about BAT Rewards @steeven
@steeven hello?? no reply okay. I’m really gonna bad rep brave. I’ve been watching all the threads and all was about no paying and you lost somewhere no replies??
Hello @L0rdGRiM,
First, creators.brave.com payout is still processing – Publishers Payout Megathread: August 2020
And for your ads payout, seems normal based on your screenshot.
Hi @L0rdGRiM - publishers payouts are still processing.
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