IMPORTANT! Reward reduced to 0.001 bat

The brave reward is intentionally reduced and will remain same. So its better to not to use it or uninstall it .

So decide wisely


Curious, one writes that this is a mistake and they understand it, the other writes that this is intentionally done)

will not be resolved I will wait for my last payment which will be on the 5th of May and I will uninstall the brave

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Yes, yes, they will again have some kind of problem and will not pay anything)

if they don’t pay, it will be sad, but I will uninstall, unless the reward is 0.010 again

If we receive less bat, is it possible that bat value will go up?

yo por mi parte voy a hacer lo siguiente… voy a esperar otro mes. (hasta el pago de junio) si la situación sigue igual, y el uso de Brave ya no es rentable (ya que con esta medida estaría ganando literalmente 0,70 centavos de dólar al mes) voy a desinstalarlo de todos mis dispositivos… no es nada lindo para los usuarios que, al menos desde mi región, ganan 1 centavo de dólar por anuncio (teniendo 5 o 6 por hora) o menos, a ganar 0,5 o menos… igualmente era algo obvio que iba a pasar, el precio subió mucho en los últimos 2 meses y eran medidas obvias. pero, que como siempre, afectan a la comunidad… saludos!

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yo por mi parte voy a hacer lo siguiente… voy a esperar otro mes. (hasta el pago de junio) si la situación sigue igual, y el uso de Brave ya no es rentable (ya que con esta medida estaría ganando literalmente 0,70 centavos de dólar al mes) voy a desinstalarlo de todos mis dispositivos… no es nada lindo para los usuarios que, al menos desde mi región, ganan 1 centavo de dólar por anuncio (teniendo 5 o 6 por hora) o menos, a ganar 0,5 o menos… igualmente era algo obvio que iba a pasar, el precio subió mucho en los últimos 2 meses y eran medidas obvias. pero, que como siempre, afectan a la comunidad… saludos!

0.010 or I will uninstall after May 5th


IMHO we must wait, i dont know if the Dev/Admin team of Brave will say something about this, but in other hand its some what sad that people will uninstall just because they will not get the same amount of money and not because their privacy “its more secure” if it that really exist here…

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Truth is only few people installed it for privacy and most people only installed just because it pays unlike other browsers


I feel the same. Little disappointing to see so many Brave users be so quick to uninstall brave. I don’t think most realize that Brave doesn’t owe us anything. They are already offering a far superior browsing experience. It’s not like anyone is making life changing wealth by looking at these ads?

I know people are a little riled up right now, so this may not be the most popular opinion, but I think in time people will realize just how much better Brave is than all other browsers. If people are really going to uninstall and move back to Chrome over a few pennies a week, then those people have truly failed to see the importance of Brave’s mission.


It will not go up 100% and even if it did they are saying with this change that they would further decrease our rewards.

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The same. My bats was reduced and now I’m receiving less (0.001). If it doesn’t change I’ll uninstall it. It’s really bad experience!

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game over brave #unistallbrave gameover

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That’s what they paid me to see 1 ad, now I’m worse than you, because now they pay me 0.001, it’s a pittance.

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asta la vista brave

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0.002 is how much does your attention cost, dear brave user? will you accept the crumbs that fall from the developers’ bountiful table? table that makes you tired of exploring you like cattle in the pasture?