I need a win-7 version

I need a standalone win-7 32-bit version of brave.

I have to maintain a win-7 computer to run some older engineering programs that will not run on win-10

Can anyone help with this?

https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/releases/download/v1.46.153/BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup32.exe. Apparently 1.47 was the first release without Win7 support, but you can test more recent releases, just go to https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/releases?expanded=true&page=3&q=release+notes and download the same BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup32.exe for the 32bits version.

Thanks so much!
John K.

When I tried to install it, it stopped, telling me I had a newer version already on my computer (I had accidentally killed the version I had).

I tried removing the other version, even to the point of finding and deleting all Brave-related files. Still no good.

Finally I ran regedit, and found and deleted every Brave reference in the registry (a large task).

That did it! It installed and runs just fine!

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