I haven't received ads for months and can't verify - Please Help


I haven’t received any ads for months now, my last payment was in June. I also cannot verify this wallet, every time I try to verify I get the message ‘Your request is still being processed, please wait. Sorry there was a problem processing your request, please try again.’
I’m a verified Uphold user and I have a Brave creators account linked to Uphold but my browser rewards won’t connect.

In brave://rewards-internals I can see wallet info ‘wallet was not yet created’
external wallet info ’ Wallet status - Not connected’
I can also see my ‘wallet payment ID’ in event logs.

I have a fair amount of BAT on this browser and I don’t want to lose it, please help.
How do I get my seed phrase incase I lose my BAT trying to fix this issue?

Windows 8.1 -
Version 1.31.88 Chromium: 95.0.4638.69 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Is your browser wallet currently verified? No

Have you been able to receive payments in the past? Yes

Are you using a VPN ? Yes

Are you in a supported region? Yes

I have manually turned off auto contribute.

Please help, I’ve tried all I can think to do without fear of losing my tokens.

Thanks, Kristos.

Are there any mods that could offer help?

Are there any mods that could offer help?

Yes there are, but you have to be patient…

Can you please send me a DM with a screenshot of your brave://rewards-internals page? We can continue troubleshooting there.

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