I haven’t received my BAT token yet in my uphold account. how to receive it?

i haven’t received my BAT token yet in my uphold account. how to receive it?

Is your account under review?
Is your uphold account verified?
What country are you from?

i don’t know my account is under review or not.
my account was verified.
im from Bangladesh.

Hi. In my case. My account is under review and also i did not receyve my payment… I wrote to the mail showed but not response yet

Just be patient many users were placed on review and some have been banned for violating the rules. If your account is clean it would be cleared up and restored to you. Payment may just arrive with the next payment schedule. Please once they message you back send them all the details they need. They just want to weed out the bad heads in the community

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Sorry for my late reply. Try logging in to your publisher account and send a screenshot of what it says if it lets you login without a review message then you may be lucky to receive payment today or the next payment schedule.

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This appears. and I sent an email. Waiting for response

im sorry for late
see this screenshot.

The payment would be scheduled for may sorry you didn’t get paid April cc @asad and @steeven if this happens again

in may i will have my token right?

Due to the large volume of suspended accounts and the process of eliminating the bad heads that tried to cheat the system there are delays in response to the email. This delays are because it case his handle one by one and vetted on its merit, not some robot just dishing out judgement. Actual people are weight all the cases. Just wait and if you aren’t replied to in 72-96 hours cc @Asad and @steeven

Yes if you feel you have a problem cc @asad

@Dgenies i hope that they will replyy

@qazi don’t go spewing unconfirmed statements. I too am under review and I have made my case and I am sure the right sentence would be handed down. The android reward beta test really drew out the fraudsters, the system is only trying to defend itself. Make your case and see the outcome

Yes I have gotten a first reply asking I make my case and they also replied that by viewing my site and asking further questions. Which I have answered and am waiting for their next message

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@Dgenies let’s hope for the best waiting and still waiting

what is cc? [quote="shuheb, post:1, topic:53407,

When I said cc I meant copy then in your message so they are notified of your case

Hi, Today is 9th may but i haven’t my Payment y


hi Dgenies. I receive an email. My account is in suspension, but the real details i dont know. I did not do an ilegal action