I have ETH in my Account, but get 'Insufficient ETH' when trying to do anything

Description of the issue:

Is the issue occurring on a specific network?
Ethereum + EVM Chains

What operating system are you using?
Windows 10, fully up-to-date, I checked to be certain.

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Version 1.71.123 Chromium: 130.0.6723.116 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:
I need some help with the following as I have tried everything I can think of on my own, but have hit the wall.
First; I have ETH in my account, I bought it to fund the ‘Gas’ needed for transactions.
ALL my funds, including the ETH are in the Same Account.
I have;

ETH on Ethereum Mainnet
USDC on Ethereum Mainnet
USDC on Optimism

I have been trying to find a way to convert everything to USDC, but as an example of when I try to Bridge, Swap, etc, USDC on Optimism to USDC on ETH Mainnet I keep getting ‘Insufficient ETH’ type notifications.
I have almost $30.00 of ETH, which is vastly more than the fees for the transactions I have been attempting…but even though the ETH is in the same account, the system doesn’t seem to notice.

I know there’s a way to get this solved, there has to be…but I cannot find it on my own despite wrestling with this conundrum for the past 2 months and now I must ask for assistance. I simply do not have the depth of Crypto knowledge and experience yet to solve this on my own.

I would be very grateful for assistance rendered towards aiding me in solving this nuisance, and Thank-you in advance.

@RuneLion the issue based on what you have said is that you don’t have the crypto on the proper networks. To move anything on Optimism you need ETH from Optimism. Based on what you have shared, all of your ETH is only on Ethereum.

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…first, Thank-You!!

Second, please excuse that loud ‘banging’ sound you might be hearing as I bang my head against the wall for missing something so obvious. lol

I’m really good at finding ‘Hidden’ things, but Obvious things like that…I’m completely brain-blind to them.

C’est-la-Vie, and again, my sincerest Thanks for your help and the extremely quick response!!!

Please also accept my best regards.


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