I did not receive payment from Brave Rewards Creators on April

Good morning, I had already written to @steeven because the payment of brave creators had to arrive on April 8 but nothing has arrived to my Uphold account that is verified and he told me to send him my email by DM and send him that It is [email protected] then I wonder if my balance was for contributions or references, it is up to date and he has not answered me.
I hope the response of the payment soon I hope it is not causing much trouble.

Me too, I have not received my April payouts. So far no response, I’ve DM-ed Steeven twice on 2 different occasions, and he’d closed my topic without resolution.

Btw you should not post your email in a public forum, to avoid spam mail from web scrapers.

Same here bro I have not received my April payout

same here with me i also not receive a payment

Same here, and my DM to Steeven went unanswered (though that might have been due to me only recently getting to trust level 1).

Same… :thinking:

@steeven Could you explain, why?

This will help explain:

I got the same browser is up to date, rewards are locked and no payouts. No reply to DM either. I think i’m done with Brave.

The post you linked is unrelated.

Creators programme is different from the normal Rewards programme. The Creators balance is server-hosted on https://publishers.basicattentiontoken.org/, and can be accessed even on a Chrome, Firefox, Edge browser.

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Is it a April Fools? I don’t know.

Still awaiting March and April 2021 Creator/Publisher payments/transfers. Balance > 100 BAT. DM sent 4/14/2021. No response, as of this comment.

Same here. DM sent and no response as well. :rage:

Hi @Danmacros, please see my reply to your DM.