Hi @everyone , today is 17th but i did not receive my rewards february yet , somebody else ??
@steeven I have the same problem and here nobody solves anything ,([email protected])
Thanks for reporting. I’ve sent to the team for review.
hello @steeven how about my account ??
im still not getting paid until now!
email linked to my account is [email protected] , thanks, @steeven
This has been happening to me as well. Last month and this one. I think it’s something with chromium/brave settings and possibly my cache clearing?
Was this issue ever resolved?
I am experiencing a similar issue, where BAT has not transferred to my Uphold account since September 2020.
Not sure why this is happening to us, @Steevan said there was changes in the code and they would top perform and fix this fund freezing problem.
A fix was rolled out. See instructions here: Fix for BAT not porting to Uphold wallet
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