I cant verify my website for Brave Rewards

I already 1) have installed wordpress plugin (checked this:

Please check that your .htaccess file is configured correctly (it should contain «RewriteEngine On»).On a fresh WordPress install, you can generate the .htaccess file by going to Settings -> Permalinks, choosing a permalink format and clicking Save Changes)

  1. Used next method: put txt file to admin panel of site.

But it still doesnt work and i cant verify my site: www.pravoconsult.com.ua
What do I need to do for verification?

What kind of “doesn’t work”? Is there any message that you get when you try to do verification?

I tried 2 ways: wordpress plugin and txt. file. Both dont work now. It writes:

  1. Your website, pravoconsult.com.ua, was not verified because we could not find the public file at https://pravoconsult.com.ua. Please make sure the file exists and is publicly available. http://prntscr.com/mxo8w2

Could you check it yourself. Plugin is working now in my website.

cc @asad @cory for assistance here.

Hi there, give DNS verification a shot. Sometimes the wordpress and verified file methods fail due to hosting account permission problems.

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It works. Thank you very much!

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