Hi i install brave browser on my PC. But after launch it my AVG antivirus blocked many certificate of the browser and i can’t install extension on the browser. It always failed to install extension. Please help me.
Can you show a screenshot of the issue?
Are you on Windows 7 by any chance?
Yes i use windows 7. Ok i will send screenshot
Ok, thanks.
Please also read through this thread, as it is probably the same issue: AVG blocking some Brave components due to security cert issue
Yeah, I’m 98+% certain it’s the same issue as linked above. Please refer to that thread.
In short, since you are running Windows 7 and it isn’t updating certificates on its own (thru Windows Update), you will need to update them by hand and then I suspect the issue will go away.
I watch that video in that thread. AVG blocked my so many certificate But in that video it only show about one certificate
It’s still the same issue. There is a root certificate, which signs other web site certificates, that expired. So the expiration of one certificate breaks a ton of sites and applications.
Maybe try rebooting the computer and try again.
If it still fails, try again with AVG temporarily disabled?
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