I cannot link my verified gemini wallet to brave rewards

Every time I try it only says, “Your request is still being processed, please wait. Sorry there was a problem processing your request, please try again.” Any help?

does your concern has already been fix?

I’ve been trying to link them for several times yet all attempts were unsuccessful

i emailed the gemini system they say This (Thank you for reaching out.

Currently, the integration with Brave is temporarily down for maintenance. We aim to restore up-time soon, and thank you for your patience.

Onward and Upward,
Alex) this email in on march 6

If your from PH or Vietnam its impossible to connect your wallet, this countries are banned.

is there a specific reason why they banned? i can access my gemini account, but not the integration too. (previously linked to brave browser and received a payment only once)

any thoughts @steeven ?

since when the philippines and vietnam got banned? @Silencer1069

@rema does your gemini account still connected on brave? or you are having problem reconnecting it?

cant connect, it says try again (kept coming back to the page)

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