I can not verify my YouTube channel in my publisher account

Hi, I would like to know what happens on my YouTube channel. It has not been verified even in 24 hours. Since then, in my editor account, all security checks have been activated but it has not yet been fulfilled. Thank you

Hi there,

Please send me a PM with the email address you use to sign into Rewards :slight_smile:

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Hi Asad I had the same problem too. I’ve been verified on Uphold and tried to unlink/ relink again but still in vain. I’ve PM’d you my email address appreciate your help in advance

Hi. The same thing happens to me, my YouTube channel is not verified even after 24 hours. I have everything in order with UpHold and everything in order with Brave. If you have any answer, please let me know. Thank you

sir kindly verify my youtube channel i already pm you waiting since 70 hours

Are you try to see from some diferent device? Send here url adrese of your channel. To see how is on my brave .

Same… I Need Help :frowning:

FYI to everyone:

If you completed the verification process successfully, and got the confirmation email for site verification, you’re good to go :slight_smile:

HOWEVER there is currently an annoying bug with the Rewards panel (accessed via the BAT icon) that is failing to show the verified status of some sites. We are working on a fix!

sir i m sending u screen shot u can see its unverified

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your channel is ok see pic

ok sir thanks for verify my channel, kindly guide me where i can check those bat tokens which any member tip me and will i receive monthly all tokens?

kindly tell me how can i confirm my refers and where i can see my refer bonus and tip bat tokens? here is main page u can see 5 refer but 0 token

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