I actually like the AI feature on search

Seems like everyone is just hating on the AI but I actually like it a lot and it’s one of the best features in brave search imo. Thank you brave devs!


Most people like it. They just don’t take the time to come here like the complainers do.


I just am not satisfied with Braves’ search Results.

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I use it, too. Not the formal Leo Assistant feature (that’s too much AI up in my grill), but the Search summaries are useful for comparing & confirming against my own knowledge.

AI responses are kind of like the new Wikipedia. Best used as a general jumping off point. I like seeing a summary above search results for context.

Sometimes I’ll type a vague phrase in just to see what it spits out & how accurate & detailed it can be. Very good so far. General questions are slightly better, but I like to use as few words as possible & see what happens.

Helped me find a '90s song with one small lyrical phrase. Youtube wasn’t as effective. Also helped summarize various Olympic competitor drama (hit horses, spy drones, Nippowned, the ever-fecal Sheine).

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Same here, definitely a jumping off point. With all the talk of google censoring Trump assassination info I looked on Brave and got correct info. However…it did tell me Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to assassinate JFK but failed and tried again and succeeded. Wow, that’s a doozy!

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I’m not using Brave as default on desktop but I do have Brave Search as default in my default browser and I think it’s great, especially on technical stuff and it tends to be accurate and, when not, might be incomplete rather than totally wrong. And when it pops up I usually don’t have to look at the other results.

My sentiments exactly. :slightly_smiling_face: