How to trim history

Hi, I am trying to figure out how to trim my history. For example, don’t save history more than x days. But I can’t figure out how to do it.

There are probably some extensions for that. I don’t know of a way to do it automatically.

But if you want to do it manually on occasion, you can use the ‘Clear Browsing Data’ feature and choose a time range to retain.

And if you want to streamline that even more, you could create a (mock) ‘search engine’ which just takes you to brave://settings/clearBrowserData and for example, with a single letter in the URL bar, take you to the same dialogue. So in effect you could trim it with a couple of keystrokes.

Edit: I didn’t realize it (or more likely just forgot), there’s already a keyboard shortcut to the same dialogue: Ctrl+Shift+Del. At least on Windows, likely the same on Linux.

Thanks for your reply Jim. The delete history function you mention deletes from today +x backwards. However, I want to delete from day x backwards. In other words, everything > than 1 month. I don’t see that possible with your suggestion, but maybe I overlooked it. Some other browsers have this built in but Brave seems not to have done so.

Ah ok, gotcha. Yeah, feels like it ‘should’ be configurable but not sure how, I remember seeing that in browsers in years past though. Where are you seeing it now?

I’ll take another look later and see if there’s a way to do it here.

Vivaldi has it and very simple to use, but they are not open source, so no good.

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