Ok so very impressive crypto I’ve been following for awhile and I think even now it has a model that should used. I’m a musician and had a single releases recently which got over 5k plays on just a couple days. I have even more music coming out and performances.
I want to get ads on Brave browser for my performances/music so I can get more exposure.
But step 3 says I need to send $BAT to a publisher… Sooo who do I need to get in contact with. Is there a list of approved Brave publishers?
Hey @LordKae. This best place to share ideas usually would be in things like Brave Feature Requests. While they may not always respond to each, people from Brave regularly do see the requests there and will often analyze each to determine if it makes sense within their capabilities.
Do keep in mind that Brave is still working with a very small team compared to other companies. There are a huge list of things they want to do, but they don’t have the time or people necessary to make it all happen. As such, a lot of basic browser improvements or things around customization tend to be best handled upstream by the Chromium project.
If you’re speaking about ideas for Rewards rather than just Brave itself, you’d still follow the same guidelines of posting in Feedback > Rewards Feedback or at Brave Feature Requests depending on the request.
When it comes to things on Rewards, they have a lot to navigate around in terms of government regulations, fraud, and capabilities. It’s definitely not an easy process. But I know they have long been considering a lot of things, such as allowing for website subscriptions using BAT, being able to sell or share content using Playlist that could be available for Creators, etc. They have really had a ton of exciting ideas, but they aren’t always simple to implement.