how can i have 0 bats with 284 ads?
can anyone help me out or make sense to this because i have no clue what is going on here
Same here showing 0 Bat
i have 284 ads and still 0 lol
does this happen a lot? i just started using brave for a few months now, there be days and days with no ads what so ever. is this a thing when it comes to stuff like this?
Yes it happens a lot many times to many users.
unreal. so what happens now? do they come back in a day or 2?
does brave fix the prob? i have the proof 284 ads with not 1 bat lol
Need to wait and watch
Team working on a fix in losing bat issue so maybe its that, and it happens to me but fix minutes later
ok, thank you for helping me
but the crazy thing is i live nyc and found out that i cant have a wallet and use my bat until they finish some deal with the state of nyc,
Are you doing any thing like clear cache or reboot your device??
like i said iam new to this and when i seen i had 284 ads and 0 bats i didnt know what to do lol,
when i didnt get ads for about 4 days straight someone told me to clear everything and it should work again, and it did work when i did it,
Not really just open the browser in another hour like this, open the brave rewards tab and in any minute or hour will come back
thank you for helping me out,
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