Hold drop down bookmark menu open after adding a bookmark

Using the bookmark bar is a handy way to switch to my favorite URLs and I end up editing or adding bookmarks regularly. So I C&P a URL and drop it into a bookmark drop down easily enough, but what I’d like is for that drop down to stay open. It’s annoying when I’m rapidly adding multiple URLs and have to reopen the menu repeatedly.

Please just leave it open until I move focus. I am aware of the Bookmark editing page.

As a work-around, maybe you could open the Bookmark editing page side-by-side with the window you’re wanting to drag URLs from?

I miss how Chrome’s Bookmark editor opened in a new small window instead of a separate tab, so I get the frustration.

I’ll try that tomorrow. Might be an alternative method that’s not too annoying.

That, and as soon as a new bookmark folder is created, this folder disappears and you have to scroll back down too it, so more can be added. Its great that this newly made folder stays highlighted even though its out of sight but this is still very annoying when one needs to create sub-folders for this new folder?

Also, when it comes to mobile, there seems to be no straight forward way of being able to open the bookmarks, create new folder then add the link all in one space. Have to go to ‘bookmarks’ scroll to where you want the new folder…create this new folder. Then you have to exit then go to ‘add bookmark, then scroll back through everything too this new folder and only then can the link be added?


Hello Jim_HiTek,
your post sounds like it is related to my gripes about the menu list closing immediately after any single action within it.
I am greatly looking forward to this issue being dealt with asap too.
Have you experienced any improvement since your post?

In Junes 2023 I posted the following reply to: Persist bookmark toolbar view when dragging/dropping bookmarks
“Thank you for posting this request greenthread!
This behavior has been driving me crazy too.
Although what I am experiencing seems a bit different.
No matter if I relocate a single bookmark or folder within the main view list, or drag one from or to different folders, the entire bookmark view disappears in every instance once the drag is complete.
Brave powers that Be… please make it so the Bookmark list drop down menu view stays visible, after any rearrangements, until we manually close it or click on a bookmark to open it. Or, please advise me if I am ignorant to a setting that controls this feature.
Brave has become my favorite browser and I appreciate it’s availability. However, it seems odd that this historically common feature behavior is not a part of the experience like it is with many of the other browsers out there.
Thank you for listening!”

I am very surprised there aren’t more posts regarding this.
We need to keep bugging the Devs (somehow) to take care of this for all Brave users! Anybody have any suggestions?