High memory usage and incorrect tab count

hi guys . hope everyone is well

please look at the attatchment and maybe you can explain to me why the number in the brackets is so high while at the time of doing the screen shot there were 5 tabs open and also the main reason for my post , why is the mem usage so high . im not to sure if it has always been high or if i only really noticed it recently because another crappy software ( Blue Stacks ) was forcing me to look

Im currently using windows 11 23h2 and i just copied this right now too
Brave is up to date

Version 1.70.123 Chromium: 129.0.6668.89 (Official Build) (64-bit)

thanks in advance

hi guys . my post has been here 16 days . not one response . can you please forward me brave support proper


Hi @jasonv, thank you for your patience. Tagging @Mattches here

I give my two cents below to help with the problem but first I’d like to say this…

and I don’t mean to be a jerk in saying this, I’m just trying to help you in this… but I’d encourage you for future reference to just reply to your own original message and maybe mention someone e.g. @ Mattches (minus the space, I’m leaving the space to show you how to mention someone, not to actually mention him again as I see @steeven already has :+1: )… rather than creating multiple posts that also have no mention of the problem in the title and are likely to be ignored because of the lack of clarity in those titles, so let’s stick with your original post here and mods can delete the multiples (as seen in the links below) and/or redirect those here.



Anyway, WITH THAT SAID… I’m not an expert but from my knowledge Brave does have multiple processes associated with it and the more tabs you have open (as the tabs are sandboxed for example, see Wikipedia info below for more details on that) the more processes will show up within task manager … so from my understanding its somewhat normal what you are seeing.

I created a new profile to test it, only having the settings tab open, it’s showing 19 processes, each more tab I then open it adds to the processes and since there’s so much to brave such as built-in adblocking etc it can weigh it down, but to me it’s worth it for what it does…

But that’s just one persons opinion and experience if you wanted to wait for Mattches reply, they’re smarter than I am haha :crazy_face:
Hope this helps :man_shrugging:

Also here’s a link to Wikipedia for what Sandboxed means if you’re curious about that and are unaware:

This is correct. Brave runs each tab as its own individual process and in addition, any Brave features/add-ons/components that come along with the browser (such as Shields, Rewards, webtorrent, etc), as well as any installed extensions will also have their own process.

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to be honest i dont really know how this support works . i genuinely try to avoid community support , got a similar problem on the hp site . did i reply to quickly or what is the normal time to wait for a reply . do all queries get answered .

[quote=“jasonv, post:6, topic:574391”]
To be honest i dont really know how this support works . i genuinely try to avoid community support , got a similar problem on the hp site . did i reply to quickly or what is the normal time to wait for a reply . do all queries get answered . so is the high ram usage , is that also normal . to be honet ive never moticed before i was checking usage caused by blue stacks . just seems very high

I find it is best to mention people e.g. @jasonv typing @ and then their name (and/or clicking the name as it pops up), to keep peoples attention (I didn’t see the responses/get notifications, I just stumbled over the post again)… there is less than a handful of people who work this board and obviously there are A LOT of posts for them to get to so be sure to thank @Mattches and friends :wink: (and there, I mentioned him so he’ll get back to you when he can :wink:)

Google has been rolling out AI features and likely have those services running. “Tabcompare” “genai” “dynamic coding”

Use shift + esc to open chrome task manager to see process list.

Oh that’s helpful I’ve never considered using Task Manager for Brave before, but yeah there it is,

  1. in the hamburger/sandwich menu at the top right >
  2. “More Tools” >
  3. “Task Manager”

(shortcut didn’t work for me so thought I’d mention another way to get to it, but thanks for pointing it out @ItsPerryXD :+1: never really bothered with that feature before)

Thanks for your explanation . i’m very ignorant on how support works with large companies . To be honest I always resolve my own issues . But as I’m sure you know probably better than me, resolving these issues is generally the easy part , it’s diagnosing the problem that is always time consuming . I find it’s like looking for something in your pockets ,identifying the issue is always in the last pocket you look in . Please forgive my ignorance i was hoping someone had encountered this issue before and it was a matter of click here click there

I dont use copilot or google AI. i’m sure you dont want to hear this but i dont use braves either. I only use the chatGPT application which as far as i know is totally independent of all browsers. I personally use the brave browser at least 98% of the time . theres less than a handfjul of times i basically can’t use it EG banking site , teams and one or two other times that I can’t recall right now. i have no extensions on my browser and i dont see the point of a VPN . Infact i dont believe what is called a vpn by most these marketers, even is a VPN . all it does is mask your DNS , how that functionality all of a sudden is considered a VPN i dont know . Even so i have no need to mask my ip address

Fortunately,brave using excessive memory is not a train smash as I have more than enough RAM and it was never even a consideration before . If not for the android emulator i installed I would have never known . But now that I know , I can tell you it is high . I even reset my windows 3 nights ago and it is still running high . But please consider this call closed as ive removed the android emulator for several reason and although the RAM usage is high , it really has no negative impact on my device at all

Furthermore I would like to thank you guys for sticking with this brave browser . many have fallen by the way side over the years but then again their browser doesnt even play in the same league as the brave browser does as far as i’m concerned . I wish you all the best and goodluck ( by the way i composed this mail and not chatGPT)


Jason Vesagie

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@jasonv let me touch on a few things. This is going to be a much longer reply than I’d like, but will try to be a bit informative. Perhaps will break it up into multiple replies…

Brave is a small company. While there are some who handle everything “behind the scenes” for issues where support tickets can be made, the overwhelming majority of things are handled by just three people from Brave. These are Mattches, Steeven, and Evan123.

There are over 1500 posts made each week of people with various degrees of bug reports, questions, requests, etc. In order to increase the chances of people getting help, they have made Brave Community so users can help one another in addition to people from Brave. Many times, answers to issues people have have already been given but people don’t take the time to read through existing topics first.

No, they don’t. Sometimes they don’t get seen, in some other occasions they get ignored because they didn’t provide necessary information requested in templates, etc. But ones that can provide a lot of details and make sure to return to “bump” their post have a pretty high chance of getting responses.

They also are difficult to get in touch with. Like if you ever try to contact Google over issues you have, you’ll find that there’s a long list of unresolved topics. The same is true for Firefox, Chromium, etc. There are millions of users and most issues are not with the product itself but are based on things people have added. Such as the majority of issues people experience with Brave are due to extensions they have running or some custom settings they have changed.

Using Brave’s task manager as had been explained by User. can help to show what tasks are using your memory. Chromium based browsers use separate processes for everything in your browser. So your graphics renderer, Brave Rewards, auto update, crash report manager, audio service, data decoder, etc are all separate and count as what you thought meant to be “tabs” but instead just is running processes.

Let me quote something for you:

Using RAM is good. RAM (Random Access Memory) is designed to be a temporary storage for active processes, making your system run faster by holding data that the CPU might need in the near future. If RAM isn’t being used, it means your system isn’t fully utilizing its potential to speed up tasks.

Modern operating systems, like Windows, macOS, and Linux, try to maximize the use of available RAM by keeping commonly used data or programs loaded, even if you’re not actively using them, so they can be accessed quickly. This is why you often see a high percentage of RAM in use even when you’re not running many applications—it’s being used to cache files or preload programs for better performance.

So, while having some free RAM is important for ensuring there’s space for new tasks, unused RAM that sits idle when it could be speeding up your system is considered wasteful.

Seeing high RAM usage is not necessarily a bad thing unless it gets to or exceeds limits. Your screenshot of just 58% total usage with everything you have does not seem bad. Generally what will happen is Brave or your device will kill any process that isn’t needed to free up RAM as it’s needed.

Oh, and to give an example by providing screenshots of my task manager results on the bottom of this reply. The Brave Task Manager shows all the processes running in Brave as I checked it, as well as how much of my CPU and all it’s using. Part of what’s there was cached pages for if I hit Back to go to it. Otherwise had the open tab, my extensions, the processes needed for graphics and sound, etc. Lots of little things.

And you’ll notice that on Windows, it was showing my Memory usage at 45%, which primarily came from Brave.

The title of the topic is a bit of a misnomer, but you may find the this article interesting and a bit educational to read: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/chrome-using-much-ram-fix-right-now/

Brave Task Manager

Windows Task Manager

Thank you kindly . im repeating myself but blue stacks android emulator killed my laptop , that software truly is rubbish ,it was running in excess of 100% and so I kept process explorer open just to keep an eye on it , Brave really wasn’t a problem but i could now see how much more of the ram brave used comparatively and that is really how I became aware of the higher readings . . i agree . i bought the ram , ,its almost pointless if its not being used . i’m not a gamer so besides brave and the AV service executable the usage remains in the single digit %

But great , thanks for your response , its much appreciated . I always prefer to have some basic understanding of the\ softwares i use . And as for google my case is over 3 yrs old and has never been looked at .The only reason I know this is because when I tried to create another query and messaged the help/support i was given a message that my first case is still open from date x and I should first wait for that to be resolved before creating a second case .

But once again thank you I know just getting a proper response is highly unusual and is in fact very good service . . Im very happy with my responses and accept what you say so please do consider this case to be resolved . good luck and wishing you all the best

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